2024年4月19-21日 大阪府 大浜だいしんアリーナ(堺市立大浜体育館) で開催されます全日本マスターにつきまして、エントリーの一次締切りが本日3月5日までとなっております。
The first deadline for entries for the All-Japan Master Championships, April 19-21, 2024, at Ohama Daishin Arena in Osaka, is today, March 5.
In addition, we anticipate a large number of participants in this tournament.
The final entry date is set for April 3, but it is highly likely that applications will be closed early once the maximum number of applicants is reached.
If you are interested in participating, please inform your instructor (Takahashi, Nakagawa, or Sakaguchi) of your intention to participate as soon as possible and submit your entry through the tournament website.
The All-Japan Master is held in Kansai only infrequently, so if you are interested in demonstrating the results of your regular practice, please give it a try!